Direction test
Direction (Qs.1-3): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.
M & N (10) - M is 13 m in north of N
M % N (15) - M is 18 m in south of N
M @ N (8) - M is 11 m in east of N
M # N (12) - M is 15 m in west of N
L@K (17), A#B (9), B%L (11), Q&A (6), K#W (5), P@Q (16)
1➤ What is the shortest distance of point P and B?
(1) 11 m
(2) 12 m
(3) 13 m
(4) 14 m
(5) None of these
2➤ What is the direction of point A with respect to point W?
(1) North
(2) East
(3) North-west
(4) South-West
(5) None of these
3➤ If S&P (2) then what is the shortest distance between K and S?
(1) 28
(2) 26
(3) 27
(4) 29
(5) None of these
Direction (Qs.4-5): Read the information carefully and answer the question:
Point J is 5 m north of point R. Point K is 12 m east of point J. Point M is 3 m north of point K. Point L is 18 m west of point M. Point D and R lies in a straight line horizontally. Point D is south of point L.
4➤ What is the shortest distance between point D and R?
(1) 10 m
(2) 8 m
(3) 6 m
(4) 2 m
(5) 5 m
5➤ In which direction is point L with respect to J?
(1) North-West
(2) South-West
(3) South-East
(4) North-East
(5) None of these